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{{HOWTO Index}}
'''Other languages:''' [[Arbeiten mit Musterseiten|Deutsch]] [[Praca ze stronami wzorcowymi|Polski]]
[[Trabalhando com Páginas Mestre|Português]] [[Использование мастер-страниц|Русский]]
{{HOWTO Index}}[[Category:EN]]
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'''Work in progress, to be translated!'''

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==Why master pages==
==Why master pages==
As soon as you consider using many objects (common headers, logos, background, page numbers etc.) on the same places throughout your document, you will be well advised to use master pages. You'll avoid some unnecessary drudgery and spare much time this way. The objects belonging to master pages cannot be changed in the normal Edit Mode.  There as a good reason for it, since it could easily happen while woking with a document that something on a master page would be unintentionally moved or changed. A master page always belongs to a document &ndash; it cannot be saved as a separate file. You can however create a sample file containing frequently used master pages and use it as resource to import master pages into other Scribus documents.
As soon as you consider using many objects (common headers, logos, background, page numbers etc.) on the same places throughout your document, you will be well advised to use master pages. You'll avoid some unnecessary drudgery and spare much time this way. The objects belonging to master pages cannot be changed in the normal Edit Mode.  There is a good reason for it, since it could easily happen while working with a document that something on a master page would be unintentionally moved or changed. A master page always belongs to a document &ndash; it cannot be saved as a separate file. You can however create a sample file containing frequently used master pages and use it as resource to import master pages into other Scribus documents.

==How to create master pages==
==How to create master pages==
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<!-- Column 1 -->
|valign="top" |Create a new document. Choose '''Main Menu-Edit-Master Pages''' (Picture 1) to launch the ''Edit Master Pages'' dialog and to change into  the '''Master Pages Edit Mode''' (Picture 2).
|valign="top" |Create a new document. Choose from the main menu '''Edit > Master Pages...''' (Picture 1) to launch the ''Edit Master Pages'' dialog and to change into  the '''Master Pages Edit Mode''' (Picture 2).
|valign="top" |
[[Image:Master pages menu edit.png|thumb|350px|right|Picture 1]]

The master page '''Normal''' is always present and cannot be deleted  &ndash; the delete button will be disabled, if the master page '''Normal''' is selected  (Picture 2). The master page  '''Normal''' can be edited, it's better though, to leave it empty to be able to insert new empty pages.
The master page '''Normal''' is always present and cannot be deleted  &ndash; the delete button will be disabled, if the master page '''Normal''' is selected  (Picture 2). The master page  '''Normal''' can be edited, it's better though, to leave it empty to be able to insert new empty pages.

[[Image:DialogMusterseitenBearbeitenTooltip.png|frame|left|Picture 2]]
[[Image:Master pages edit tooltip.png|frame|left|Picture 2]]

If you move your mouse over the buttons, you will see some helpful tooltips (Picture 2).
If you move your mouse over the buttons, you will see some helpful tooltips (Picture 2).
Line 59: Line 54:
* Delete Master Page
* Delete Master Page

Beim Klick auf den Button '''Neue Musterseite''' erscheint ein Fenster, in dem man der neuen Musterseite einen möglichst aussagekräftigen Namen geben kann. Auch nach einem halben Jahr sollte klar sein, was das für eine Musterseite ist (Abb. 3).
Clicking on the Button '''Add a New Master Page''' opens a window in which you may give your page a name (Picture 3).  

[[Image:DialogNeueMusterseite.png|frame|left|Picture 3]]
Tip: try to pick a name that will have some meaning describing its purpose, so that if you haven't used it for a while, its name gives a clue.

Anschließend kann man die Musterseite gestalten &ndash; die neu angelegte Musterseite ist automatisch markiert.
[[Image:Master pages new master page.png|frame|left|Picture 3]]
Wenn mehrere Musterseiten angelegt wurden, kann im Fenster ''Musterseiten bearbeiten'' zwischen den verschiedenen Musterseiten hin- und hergeschaltet werden (Abb. 4).
|After you click '''OK''' you will see the window '''Edit Master Pages''' with your new Master Page highlighted. When you have a list of Master Pages you can then click from one to the next to edit each one as desired (Picture 4).

Mit dem Schließen des Fensters ''Musterseiten bearbeiten'' kehrt man zum normalen Editiermodus zurück.
When you close the '''Edit Master Pages''' window, you return to the normal editing mode in Scribus.

[[Image:AuswahlMusterseitenKlein.png|frame|right|Picture 4]]
If you find that you need a Master Page similar to an existing one, click on '''Duplicate the selected master page''' rather than starting a new Master Page from scratch -- this can be a great time-saver.
|[[Image:Master pages selecting master pages.png|frame|right|Picture 4]]
Wird eine weitere nur geringfügig abweichende Musterseite benötigt, so kann von einer vorhandenen Musterseite mit dem Button '''Musterseite duplizieren''' im Fenster ''Musterseiten bearbeiten'' eine Kopie erstellt werden. Das Abändern geht schneller, als alles komplett neu anzulegen. Außerdem kann man Musterseiten aus einem anderen Dokument importieren. Mit dem Klick auf '''Musterseite importieren''' im Fenster ''Musterseiten bearbeiten'' erscheint das Fenster ''Musterseiten importieren'' (Abb. 5).  
You can also copy a Master Page from another document by clicking on '''Import master pages from another document''' button, which opens the '''Import Master Page''' window (Picture 5).  
[[Image:MusterseitenImportieren.png|frame|left|Picture 5]]
|[[Image:Master pages import.png|frame|Picture 5]]
Mit dem Button '''Ändern''' kann man das gewünschte Dokument suchen, und mit dem Pfeil beim Feld '''Musterseiten importieren''' wählt man die passende Musterseite aus.
| width=30px |
| valign=top | Next, click on the button '''Change...''' to search for the document containing the Master Page you would like to import. Then choose your Master Page, and click the '''Import''' button.

<!-- Column 2 -->
|valign="top" |
[[Image:MusterseitenMenuBearbeiten.png|frame|right|Picture 1]]

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|valign="top" |
|valign="top" |

Die Objekte für die neue Musterseite im normalen Editiermodus einfügen. Anschließend über '''Menü-Seite-In Musterseite umwandeln''' eine Musterseite erstellen (Abb. 6).
You can also create new Master Pages from the page you are editing in normal editing mode. From the menu bar select '''Page > Convert to Master Page...''' (Picture 6). This opens a window entitled '''Convert Page to Master''' in which you may give this new Master Page a name (similar to Picture 3 above).

Auch hier erscheint das Fenster ''Neue Musterseite'', in dem ein Name für die neue Musterseite vergeben werden kann (Abb. 3).
Afterward, you may then go back to '''Edit > Master Pages...''' where you will find your new Master Page in the '''Edit Master Pages''' window (Picture 4 above).
Diese neue Musterseite taucht dann auch im Fenster ''Musterseiten bearbeiten'' auf (Abb. 4) und kann nur hier im Musterseiten-Editiermodus wieder geändert oder gelöscht werden.

<!-- Column 2 -->
<!-- Column 2 -->
|valign="top" |
|valign="top" |
[[Image:MusterseiteAnlegenMenu.png|thumb|249px|Picture 6]]
[[Image:Master pages convert2masterpage.png|frame|Picture 6]]

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<!-- Column 1 -->
<!-- Column 1 -->
|valign="top" |
|valign="top" |
[[Image:Neues DokumentKlein.png|frame|left|Picture 7]]
[[Image:NewDoc_layout.png|frame|left|Picture 7]]
[[Image:Doppelseite.png|frame|right|Picture 8]]
[[Image:Master_pages_new_double_sided.png|frame|right|Picture 8 - Double Sided]]
[[Image:Dreifachseite.png|frame|right|Picture 9]]
[[Image:Master pages new 3fold.png|frame|right|Picture 9 - 3-fold]]
[[Image:Vierfachseite.png|frame|right|Picture 10]]
[[Image:Master pages new 4fold.png|frame|right|Picture 10 - 4-fold]]
Wie funktioniert das bei Doppelseiten? Und bei 3fach und 4fach gefalteten Seiten?  
So how can we use these concepts with Double Sided, 3-fold and 4-fold document layouts?

Eigentlich ganz genauso, man muß nur beim Anlegen des Dokumentes aufpassen, ob rechts oder links als erste Seite ausgewählt ist, damit beim Anwenden der Musterseiten auch die richtigen ausgewählt werden (Abb. 7).
Actually, you will find that these are situations where using Master Pages is especially useful and time-saving. When you create a new document, select your desired layout (Picture 7).

Beim Erstellen einer Musterseite für diese Mehrfachseiten kann man im Fenster ''Neue Musterseite'' gleich auswählen, für welche Seite die Musterseite erstellt werden soll. (Das gilt auch für das Duplizieren)
After this, create your Master Pages as explained above for Plan A or Plan B. To the right we see why the name chosen for a Master Page is especially important and helpful.

* Doppelseiten (Abb. 8)
* Double Sided layout (Picture 8)
* 3fach gefaltet (Abb. 9)
* 3-fold layout  (Picture 9)
* 4fach gefaltet (Abb.10)
* 4-fold layout (Picture 10)

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==Applying master pages==
==Applying master pages==

Wie wende ich meine erstellten Musterseiten an?
===To empty document pages:===
===To empy document pages:===

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<!-- Column 1 -->
<!-- Column 1 -->
|valign="top" |
|valign="top" |
[[Image:Kontext.png|frame|left|Picture 11]]
[[Image:Context_masterpage.jpg|frame|left|Picture 11]]
Über '''Menü-Seite-Musterseite anwenden'''  (Abb. 7) oder Kontextmenü (Abb. 11) erscheint das Fenster ''Musterseite anwenden''. Hiermit wird eine Musterseite
* der aktuellen Dokumentseite
* Geraden Dokumentseiten
* Ungeraden Dokumentseiten
* Allen Dokumentseiten
* einem frei wählbaren Seitenbereich
zugewiesen.  Die gewünschte Musterseite mit dem Pfeil beim Feld '''Musterseite''' auswählen. (Abb. 12)
Die Option '''Gerade Seiten''' ist erst nach dem Einfügen einer zweiten Dokumentseite aktiv. Um einen Seitenbereich auszuwählen, muß zuerst die Option '''Alle Seiten''' aktiv sein.
<!-- Column 2 -->
<!-- Column 2 -->
|valign="top" |
|valign="top" |
[[Image:ZuweisenEinzelseite.png|frame|right|Picture 12]]
[[Image:Master pages apply.png|frame|right|Picture 12]]

<!-- End of  table -->
<!-- End of  table -->
Selecting either '''Page > Apply Master Page...''' (Picture 6) or '''Apply Master Page...''' from the context menu (right-click on the page - Picture 11) opens up the '''Apply Master Page''' window. From this you may choose to apply the Master page to the:
* Current page
* Even pages
* Odd pages
* All pages
* and you may apply to a range of pages
Select the desired Master Page from the drop-down list labeled '''Master Page'''.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the option '''Even pages''' can only be selected when the document has more than one page. Also, applying to a range of pages only applies when you have selected '''All pages'''.

===Inserting as a new page:===
===Inserting as a new page:===
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<!-- Column 1 -->
<!-- Column 1 -->
|valign="top" |
|valign="top" |
[[Image:MusterseiteEinfuegen.png|frame|left|Picture 13]]
[[Image:Master pages insert new page.png|frame|left|Picture 13]]
Über '''Menü-Seite-Einfügen''' werden neue Seiten eingefügt. Hier kann man wählen, wieviel Seiten eingefügt werden sollen, wo die Seiten eingefügt werden sollen, und ob die neue(n) Seite(en) leer (Normal) oder angewendete Musterseiten sein sollen. Auswahl der gewünschten Musterseite über das Feld '''Musterseite''' (Picture 13).
When you insert a new page (menu bar '''Page > Insert'''), you open up a window from which you can choose to add one or more pages, choose the place of insertion, and in addition decide whether these new pages will contain Master Page elements (Picture 13).  

Bei Mehrfachseiten ist das Fenster ''Seite einfügen'' um die Auswahl der jeweiligen Seitenposition erweitert (Abb. 15). Hier nur das Beispiel einer 4fach-gefalteten Seite.
Note that the '''Master Pages''' area expands according to your layout, so that in Picture 14 we see the appearance of an '''Insert Page''' window for a 4-fold layout.

Seitenzahlen (#)  fügt man auf eine Musterseite am Besten über '''Storyeditormenü-Einfügen-Zeichen-Seitenzahl''' ein. Ab der Seite 10 müssen zwei ( ##) Seitenzahlen da sein, ab der Seite 100 drei (###) etc.
Page numbering is best accomplished with Story Editor. While you are in Edit Master Page mode, create a text frame with the appropriate location for your page numbering. From the Story Editor menu, select '''Insert > Character > Page Number''' (keyboard: '''Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P'''). This appears as <font color="red">#</font> in the Story Editor window, but this is not Shift+3.
Genau das Richtige um Musterseiten zu duplizieren!
For two digit page numbers (10-99), use two of these special characters, and use three special characters for pages 100-999. If you use the same master page for all pages in a long document, you can put two or three page number characters on the master page, and Scribus will ignore the redundant digits on low-numbered pages.

<!-- Column 2 -->
<!-- Column 2 -->
|valign="top" |
|valign="top" |
[[Image:VierfachSeiteEinfuegen.png|frame|Picture 14]]
[[Image:Master pages 4fold newpage.png|frame|Picture 14]]

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With many thanks to the original author, Roswitha Ott aka Uchiki, who kindly contributed the first German version of this howto to the Scribus Public Wiki.

[[Arbeiten mit Musterseiten| '''The first German version''']] of this howto was originally published in the German Scribus Forum. </div>

Latest revision as of 06:42, 14 January 2011

Other languages: Deutsch Polski Português Русский

This article is part of the HOWTOs series.
Installation Usage PDF issues Imposition Other
Operating system:   any  
Scribus Version:   stable 1.3.3.* series
DTP skills:   novice

Why master pages

All Working with pages:

Working with text frames
Working with Story Editor
Working with image frames
Working with Master Pages
Working with Scribus: How to begin

As soon as you consider using many objects (common headers, logos, background, page numbers etc.) on the same places throughout your document, you will be well advised to use master pages. You'll avoid some unnecessary drudgery and spare much time this way. The objects belonging to master pages cannot be changed in the normal Edit Mode. There is a good reason for it, since it could easily happen while working with a document that something on a master page would be unintentionally moved or changed. A master page always belongs to a document – it cannot be saved as a separate file. You can however create a sample file containing frequently used master pages and use it as resource to import master pages into other Scribus documents.

How to create master pages

Plan A:

Create a new document. Choose from the main menu Edit > Master Pages... (Picture 1) to launch the Edit Master Pages dialog and to change into the Master Pages Edit Mode (Picture 2).
Picture 1

The master page Normal is always present and cannot be deleted – the delete button will be disabled, if the master page Normal is selected (Picture 2). The master page Normal can be edited, it's better though, to leave it empty to be able to insert new empty pages.

Picture 2

If you move your mouse over the buttons, you will see some helpful tooltips (Picture 2).

Beginning from the left side:

  • New Master Page
  • Duplicate Master Page
  • Import Master Page
  • Delete Master Page

Clicking on the Button Add a New Master Page opens a window in which you may give your page a name (Picture 3).

Tip: try to pick a name that will have some meaning describing its purpose, so that if you haven't used it for a while, its name gives a clue.

Picture 3
After you click OK you will see the window Edit Master Pages with your new Master Page highlighted. When you have a list of Master Pages you can then click from one to the next to edit each one as desired (Picture 4).

When you close the Edit Master Pages window, you return to the normal editing mode in Scribus.

If you find that you need a Master Page similar to an existing one, click on Duplicate the selected master page rather than starting a new Master Page from scratch -- this can be a great time-saver.

Picture 4

You can also copy a Master Page from another document by clicking on Import master pages from another document button, which opens the Import Master Page window (Picture 5).

Picture 5
Next, click on the button Change... to search for the document containing the Master Page you would like to import. Then choose your Master Page, and click the Import button.

Plan B:

You can also create new Master Pages from the page you are editing in normal editing mode. From the menu bar select Page > Convert to Master Page... (Picture 6). This opens a window entitled Convert Page to Master in which you may give this new Master Page a name (similar to Picture 3 above).

Afterward, you may then go back to Edit > Master Pages... where you will find your new Master Page in the Edit Master Pages window (Picture 4 above).

Picture 6

Double sided, 3-fold and 4-fold Pages

Picture 7
Picture 8 - Double Sided
Picture 9 - 3-fold
Picture 10 - 4-fold

So how can we use these concepts with Double Sided, 3-fold and 4-fold document layouts?

Actually, you will find that these are situations where using Master Pages is especially useful and time-saving. When you create a new document, select your desired layout (Picture 7).

After this, create your Master Pages as explained above for Plan A or Plan B. To the right we see why the name chosen for a Master Page is especially important and helpful.

  • Double Sided layout (Picture 8)
  • 3-fold layout (Picture 9)
  • 4-fold layout (Picture 10)

Applying master pages

To empty document pages:

Picture 11
Picture 12

Selecting either Page > Apply Master Page... (Picture 6) or Apply Master Page... from the context menu (right-click on the page - Picture 11) opens up the Apply Master Page window. From this you may choose to apply the Master page to the:

  • Current page
  • Even pages
  • Odd pages
  • All pages
  • and you may apply to a range of pages

Select the desired Master Page from the drop-down list labeled Master Page.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the option Even pages can only be selected when the document has more than one page. Also, applying to a range of pages only applies when you have selected All pages.

Inserting as a new page:

Picture 13

When you insert a new page (menu bar Page > Insert), you open up a window from which you can choose to add one or more pages, choose the place of insertion, and in addition decide whether these new pages will contain Master Page elements (Picture 13).

Note that the Master Pages area expands according to your layout, so that in Picture 14 we see the appearance of an Insert Page window for a 4-fold layout.

Hint: Page numbering is best accomplished with Story Editor. While you are in Edit Master Page mode, create a text frame with the appropriate location for your page numbering. From the Story Editor menu, select Insert > Character > Page Number (keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P). This appears as # in the Story Editor window, but this is not Shift+3.

For two digit page numbers (10-99), use two of these special characters, and use three special characters for pages 100-999. If you use the same master page for all pages in a long document, you can put two or three page number characters on the master page, and Scribus will ignore the redundant digits on low-numbered pages.

Picture 14

The first German version of this howto was originally published in the German Scribus Forum.