Press news about Scribus

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Making Lists in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Maak uw eigen nieuwsbrief in Scribus

4-page tutorial on creating a newsletter with Scribus in Computeridee 23/2012 with references to Waar zit de Kneep? Opmaak, Vormgeving & Publicatie met Scribus 1.4.1 (Dutch).

Scribus: Leading, Kerning, and Tracking Text

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Seitenwende. Kostenfreies DTP mit Scribus

One-page review of Scribus 1.4.0 in c't magazine (German).

Scribus: Neue Version 1.4.0 verfügbar

Article on the release of Scribus 1.4.0 in the leading Swiss magazine on publishing (German).

For years in development, is Scribus 1.4.0 worth the wait?

Article on the release of Scribus 1.4.0 that doesn't answer the question raised in its title.

Scribus 1.4.0 in a nutshell

Presentation of some new features in Scribus 1.4.0 on Libre Graphics World.

Scribus 1.4 endlich veröffentlicht

Online article on the release of Scribus 1.4.0 (German).

Open-Source-Layouter Scribus offiziell stabil

Online article on the release of Scribus 1.4.0 (German).

DTP-Software Scribus 1.4.0: Stabil nach vier Jahren Entwicklung

Online article on the release of Scribus 1.4.0 (German).

Scribus 1.4.0 released

Online article on the release of Scribus 1.4.0 on


Mehr Farbpaletten und Vorlagen für Scribus 1.3.9

Report on the release of Scribus 1.3.9 (German).

Four Hidden Tools in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Exporting to PDF in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Tables of Contents, Indexes and Other Special Tables in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Secondary Window Tools in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Tweaking text in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Printing in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Using Styles in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Adding Master Pages to Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Working with Frames and Objects in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Working with Images in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.


Text Frames in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Navigating and Working in Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxJournal.

Desktop publishing for Linux at its finest

Short article on ZDNet.

Svet Compjutera Scribus 1.3.6 DTP za „dž”

Review about Scribus 1.3.6 (Serbian).

Create a smart PDF document with Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxUser (UK).

Getting started with Scribus

Tutorial in LinuxUser (UK).

Scribus: Worth the Effort for the Linux-Loving Desktop Publisher

Short review of Scribus on LinuxInsider.


Typologie. Software für Desktop Publishing – eine Marktübersicht

General overview over currently available DTP programs, including Scribus According to the article, InDesign, QuarkXPress, Scribus and, to a lesser degree, VivaDesigner, form a separate group of high-end DTP programs.

Kostenloses DTP-Programm Scribus nativ für den Mac

Short article on the release of 1.3.5 and our new Special Supporters.

Scribus 1.3.5 released

Very positive review of 1.3.5 and the Official Manual on

Reviewed: Scribus 1.3.5

Very positive review of 1.3.5 on

Scribus 1.3.5 released

A review of 1.3.5 on Libre Graphics World, both critical and praising

Scribus 1.3.5 schwenkt auf Qt4 um

Short article on the release of 1.3.5 on

Größeres Update für freies DTP-Programm Scribus

Short article on the release of 1.3.5 on

Freie DTP-Software Scribus 1.3.5 in nativer Mac-Version

Short article on the release of 1.3.5 on

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Scribus setzt auf Qt 4

Short article on the release of 1.3.5.

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Linux-Magazin 5/2009: Scribus schwarz auf weiß

Very positive review of the Official Scribus Manual in the German Linux-Magazin (Printed issue only).

MacUp 2009/3 MacUp: Test über Open-Source für Publisher

MacUp gave the note 1.6 to Scribus (2.0 to Inkscape and 1.9 to Gimp; 1.0 is the best mark in Germany).


"Minus: teilweise unübliche Bedienung, Markieren von Text funktioniert nicht wie in den kommerziellen Layout- und Textbearbeitungsprogrammen

Plus: umfangreiche Funktionen und Werkzeuge bei übersichtlicher Oberfläche"


DEUTSCHER DRUCKER 24/2008: Satz- und Layoutprogramme: Ersatz für Indesign und Xpress

An article on professional-grade alternatives to InDesign and XPress. It mentions Viva Designer, iCalamus and Scribus.

DEUTSCHER DRUCKER 16/2008: Open Source Publishing

An article on Open Source alternatives for publishing. It mentions Ghostscript, GIMP, Inkscape, Krita and especially Scribus.

Publisher 6/2008: Auf zu neuen Ufern

Das Freie DTP-Programm Scribus 1.3.5 steht mit vielen neuen Funktionen vor der Tür – trotzdem ist die neueste Version nur eine Zwischenstation. Ein Werkstattbericht.

Scribus w praktyce

Na łamach naszego vortalu wielokrotnie już wspominaliśmy o rozpowszechnianym na licencji GNU GPL programie Scribus. Tym razem prezentujemy obszerniejszy materiał, który ma za zadanie przybliżyć sposób obsługi tego niezwykle ciekawego programu początkującym użytkownikom (

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Linux-Magazin 10/2008: Das ganze Spektrum. Farbe in Scribus

An article about the new colour features in Scribus 1.3.5.

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Linux-Magazin 9/2008: Noch ein Bleifreies

A comparison between InDesign's and Scribus's typesetting features.

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Linux-Magazin 8/2008: Werkbank für Designer

Usability test of Scribus.

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Linux-Magazin 7/2008: PDF-Präsentationen mit Impress, Scribus oder Latex

Printed edition only.

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Linux-Magazin 6/2008: Geschickt platziert

An introcution to Scribus and DTP.

Scribus Desktop Publishing: The Right Tool for the Job?

Scribus is an open source alternative to applications like Quark and Pagemaker. But don’t let the price (or the open source license) fool you. Scribus is a serious application that can pull off serious tasks (Techrepublic).

Make your own newspaper with Scribus!

Scribus is a GPL Desktop Publisher with many professional features including very high quality PDF, EPS, SVG import and export and CMYK color support. Scribus project supports ICC color management, creates CMYK separations and interactive PDF's with form fields, scripting and presentation effects (softpedia).

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Scripting Scribus. An introduction to the Scripter

Have you ever said, "This program is pretty nice, but I wish it would ..."? For applications that offer the capability, scripting gives users the ability to customize, extend, and tailor a program to meet their needs. Scribus, a free page layout program that runs on Linux (and Mac OS and Windows) uses the Python programming language for user scripting. Python scripting in Scribus can drastically improve your work flow, and it's relatively easy for beginners to not only use scripts, but also write them (

Short articles and announces

  • DTP-Software Scribus stabilisiert — pdfzone published the release notes for
  • Scribus erschienen . Short announcement of the release on pro-linux.
  • Scribus: Professional page layout for Linux. Mostly positive review of 1.3.4 on