Elementary Rectangle
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$v = "string"; // sample initialization
This script is specific to A4 paper, you will need to change the wth and dph constants for different papers.
Introduces: CreateRect SetFillColor SetSetCornerRadius.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ this script draws a black border on A4 and has been tested against 1.4.3. Calls used in this script are; newDocument createRect setCornerRadius setLineWidth setFillColor setLineColor saveDocAs """ from scribus import * if newDocument(PAPER_A4, (10, 10, 10, 10), PORTRAIT, 1, UNIT_POINTS, NOFACINGPAGES, FIRSTPAGERIGHT, 1): spx=20 # x co-ord Start point spy=20 # y co-ord Start point wth=595 # A4 width in points dph=842 # Depth of frame - adjust to suit a=8 # Line width b="Black" # add other colors as required b1="Blue" w="White" h = createRect(spx,spy,wth-2*spx,dph-2*spy) setCornerRadius(20, h) setLineWidth(8, h) setFillColor(w, h) setLineColor(b, h) saveDocAs("Border_2.sla") #Make sure this is writable