Scribus and Pantone colors
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There have been quite a few interesting discussions on the mailing list on how to use Pantone/spot colors with Scribus. It would be a pity, if they got lost deep in the mailing list archives, so there are the most insteresting parts of them. Join in with your opinion!
Complete pantone equiv
Here is a manuel set of complete pantone color to include in scribus.rc
find scribus.rc (originaly /home/xxxxx/.scribus/scribus.rc) edit it with nedit or gedit, or something else
find last line begining with <COLOR RGB="...........
insert just after this line the total joined file by copy & paste
save en enjoy
PS: use at your owne risk, this is a transcript for pantone table on the web, and this work is not intented for piracy or something else.
Regards Olivier Coquet France
(for the color set see the original mail)
Ways to implement spot colors
As a layout application, Scribus is fine, plus its PDF output is flawless.
Our final worry is that it doesn't support proprietary color standards such as Hexachrome or Pantone -- and likely never will."
Can't these features ever be supported via proprietary plugins in the future? I mean provide some good API planned just for that, waiting for someone to come in and do it? (perhaps I'm asking for something that's absolutely not feasible...)
Its not about the code, its about the fee/royalties/large sums of cash that need to be paid to use the systems.
Hey - you can always see if Pantone would like to contribute to an open source project... you know, it's for a good cause sort of thing...
You can tell Pantone about "...applications critical to your success in which the ability to use PANTONE Colors would be helpful." at this web page: ;)
Say, 3 apps can be listed, I can dump in The GIMP and Inkscape as well...
-- David Purton
Spot color support is a feature we need. No questions on that.
Support for "Pantone" or for any other "color match system" raises the royalty/fee issue like Craig points out.
And we can't offer "Pantone" under GPL in Scribus, obviously, unless Pantone releases its own system under GPL.
Now, tell me if I am wrong, but "spot color support" does not implies Scribus needs, in an absolute manner, Pantone or the like color matching systems. At least not in all cases.
On top of the royalty issue, I see 3 other issues related with color matching systems like Pantone.
1. The color (plate) name that appears in the Postscript file and ultimately on the film or plate.
2. Onscreen rendering of the spot color
3. Printed rendering on digital printers of the spot color (not offset presses because it's up the pressmen to put the right ink... and then, there is no other issue at the software end than being able to output a plate for the extra color).
1. Scribus lets users put any color name in the color creation dialog.
2. Scribus lets users put any combination of cmyk inks to produce a color in the dialog box.
3. Most digital printers have their own rips and are all getting more and more "Pantone certified"...
Basically, the only fundamental issue here is Scribus not being able to output that spot color plate, so far. To my knowledge, the idea of "spot color" itself is not copyrighted, or is it?
As you know, I am not an expert at "under the hood" software mechanics but from what I've seen so far with various printers is they render Pantone colors in many ways due to the printing engine, the quality/type/number of the toners/inks they use in each particular printer AND to the algorithm for Pantone matching built into their rips - each vendor has its own solution based on the printer's gamut (and the paper used). Some printer vendors claim to be able to reproduce up to 85% of the Pantone palette on their machine. I never seen such a claim in any DTP app.
All this to say, and again you tell me if I'm wrong, what Scribus needs to send the printer is a color name it will recognize. The critical info which is asked from the source app is that color name. How this particular color is printed is up to the printer. Right?
When you want more control it must be done at the printer's rip, where you can tweak the values for any spot color you want until you get the desired result from your printer for that particular color (provided of course you have access to these settings, which is not the case for many if not all low-end printers/rips - you are then tied to your printer's capabilities).
From what I know, the only control Quark has over Pantone rendering is screen related. The GUI offers an onscreen palette (the printed equivalent on paper can be bought in graphic art supplies stores). It's easier to work with a palette you can pick color from, I agree. At that point, I think the vast majority of Scribus users, even profesionnals, will be able to get along with a basic and usable "spot color support" that will allow them to enter a color name such as "Pantone 185 C" (or any other name), specify a decent screen rendering of that color, and output the plate.
The idea of having an extra "commercial" plug-in for anyone of us who absolutely need the Pantone palette for their work may be the preferred solution. Unless we come up with an open source solution of which I can't think of right now.
Coffee time!
P.S. The copyright aknowledgment about Pantone on the Quark splash screen clearly say that onscreen color might differ from the actual Pantone specs. Users are asked to refer to the printed material for accurate color reference...
There is no need to name a Spot Color as Pantone 145 CV ( just an example) you can name the color "Spot Color 145 Coated" and leave the Pre-Press workflow system substitute it by whatsoever is desired.
A lot of big companies have done it without any royaltie or penalty.
Celio Santos
But providing a simpler, more compatible solution is more appropriate anyway. Put simply, when the printer asks "what red is that in XYZ colour system" and u then update your file and generate your EPS with 1234 in it.. seems much easier to me. GPL compatible and colour system independent.