Official:OS2 eComStation

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Scribus on OS/2 Warp4® and eComStation™

The Scribus Team is much obliged to Paul Smedley for taking pains over porting Scribus to the OS/2 and eComStation platforms.

The Scribus Team also wants to thank Serenity Systems for supporting development and testing of the OS/2 and eComStation port.

Scribus on eComStation


In addition to the installer, the following requirements have to be met:

Known issues

  • Printing support is not complete, but PDF export is. You can easily print via Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer as a temporary workaround.
  • As for Acrobat/Adobe Reader on OS/2, please read the detailed hints in the toolbox section.

A Special Note to OS/2 and eComStation Users

General feedback can be provided to and via the normal Scribus communications methods (IRC, mailing list etc). Bug reports should go to

If you like this software and want to support continued OS/2 ports, please consider donating via PayPal via the link at, or via the Mensys online store at

You can also sponsor/support the Qt4 for OS/2 project – without the Netlabs Qt4 project, this port could not exist!