File Format Specification for Scribus 1.7.1
This is an ongoing effort to create a complete documentation of the file formats of Scribus 1.7.1. Once it is completed, it will be added to the Scribus Help Browser Documentation. Anyone who wants to contribute should be aware of the fact that we reserve the right to relicense this document under the Open Documentation License with elected options as used for the majority of the Help Browser documents.
Scribus Documents (SLA)
Document Structure
Scribus pages are arranged in a vast scratch space, where 1 unit == 1/72 inch. Positive x is to the right, and positive y is downward. The positions, width and height in the elements are in scratch space coordinates with the exception of POCOOR and COCOOR coordinates, which are in the rotated and translated space of a PAGEOBJECT.
Missing: Tables, foot notes / end notes.
Version | For instance "" or "1.7.1" | |
AUTOL | ||
AutoSave | ||
AutoSaveTime | ||
BACKG | ||
BaseC | ||
BRUSH | ||
ABSTSPALTEN | Distance between Columns in automatic Textframes | |
ALAYER | (optional) Active Layer | |
ANZPAGES | Number of Pages | |
AUTHOR | Author of the Doc | |
AUTOCHECK | (optional) Automatic Hyphenation during typing 0 = off, 1 = on | |
AUTOMATIC | (optional) Automatic Hyphenation 0 = off, 1 = on | |
AUTOSPALTEN | Number of Columns in automatic Textframes | |
AUTOTEXT | 1 if you want to use automatic textframes, or 0 | |
BASEGRID | (optional) Width of the Baseline Grid | |
BASEO | (optional) Startoffset for the Baseline Grid | |
BleedTop | Default of how much to bleed off the top | |
BleedBottom | Default of how much to bleed off the bottom | |
BleedLeft | Default of how much to bleed off the left | |
BleedRight | Default of how much to bleed off the right | |
BOOK | (optional) Which PageSet to use | |
BORDERBOTTOM | Default bottom margin of a page | |
BORDERLEFT | Default left margin of a page | |
BORDERRIGHT | Default right margin of a page | |
BORDERTOP | Default top margin of a page | |
COMMENTS | Comments for the Doc | |
CPICT | ||
currentProfile | ||
DCOL | (optional) Number of Columns in Textframes | |
DFONT | Default Font | |
DGAP | (optional) Default Gap between Columns in Textframes | |
DIMo | (optional) Default Rendering Intent for the Monitor 0 = Perceptual | |
DIMo2 | (optional) Default Rendering Intent for Images 0 = Perceptual | |
DIPr | (optional) Default Rendering Intent for the Printer 0 = Perceptual | |
DOCCONTRIB | (optional) Person or organization making contributions to the document | |
DOCCOVER | (optional) Extent of scope of the document | |
DOCDATE | (optional) Date related to life-cycle of the document, YYYY-MM-DD | |
DOCFORMAT | (optional) Physical or digital manifestation of the document | |
DOCIDENT | (optional) An unambigious reference to the document, eg ISBN | |
DOCLANGINFO | (optional) Language of content of document | |
DOCRELATION | (optional) Reference to a related document | |
DOCRIGHTS | (optional) Information about rights held in and over the document, eg copyright | |
DOCSOURCE | (optional) Reference to a document from which this document is derived | |
DOCTYPE | (optional) Nature or genre of the content of the document | |
Dpbla | (optional) Use Blackpoint Compensation 0 = off, 1 = on | |
Dpgam | (optional) Mark Colors out of Gamut 0 = off, 1 = on | |
DPIn | (optional) Default ICC-Profile for solid Colors | |
DPIn2 | (optional) Default ICC-Profile for Images | |
DPMo | (optional) Default ICC-Profile for the Monitor | |
DPPr | (optional) Default ICC-Profile for the Printer | |
DPSo | (optional) Simulate the Printer on Screen 0 = off, 1 = on | |
Dpuse | (optional) Use Colormanagement 0 = off, 1 = on | |
DSIZE | Default Fontsize | |
FIRSTLEFT | (optional) First page is a left page when this attribute is present | |
FIRSTNUM | (optional) First page number in the Doc | |
EmbeddedPath | ||
EndArrow | ||
GROUPC | (optional) Counter for Groups in the Doc | |
GUIDELOCK | (optional) Guides locked 0 = off, 1 = on | |
GRAB | ||
GuideC | ||
GuideRad | ||
GuideZ | ||
HCMS | (optional) Colormanagement available 0 = off, 1 = on | |
HYCOUNT | (optional) Number of Hyphens allowed following each other | |
KEYWORDS | Keywords for the Doc | |
LANGUAGE | (optional) Language of the Doc | |
MAJGRID | (optional) Distance of the major Gridlines | |
MINGRID | (optional) Distance of the minor Gridlines | |
MINWORDLEN | (optional) Minimum length of a Word to be hyphenated | |
ORIENTATION | (optional) Orientation of the Doc 0 = Portrait 1 = Landscape | |
PAGEHEIGHT | Height of the Doc | |
PAGEWITH | Width of the Doc | |
PUBLISHER | (optional) Person or organization responsible for making the document available | |
HalfRes | ||
MARGC | ||
PAGEC | ||
PAGESIZE | Default page name, such as "A4" or "Letter" | |
PEN | ||
POLYC | ||
POLYF | ||
POLYR | ||
POLYS | ||
RANDF | ||
rulerMode | ||
rulerXoffset | ||
rulerYoffset | ||
ScratchBottom | Space at the bottom of the scratch space, after the last page | |
ScratchLeft | Space at the left of the scratch space | |
ScratchRight | Space at the right of the scratch space | |
ScratchTop | Space at the top of the scratch space, before the pages | |
SHOWBASE | 1 to show the baseline grid | |
showcolborders | 1 to show color borders | |
SHOWControl | ||
SHOWGRID | 1 to show ordinary grid | |
SHOWGUIDES | 1 to show guides | |
SHOWLINK | 1 to show links | |
SHOWMARGIN | 1 to show margins | |
SHOWPICT | 1 to show images | |
showrulers | 1 to show rulers | |
SnapToGrid | 1 to snap to grid when editing | |
SnapToGuides | 1 to snap to guides when editing | |
StartArrow | ||
STIL | ||
StrikeThruPos | ||
StrikeThruWidth | ||
StrokeText | ||
TabFill | ||
TabWidth | Default width for tabs in text frames | |
TextBackGround | ||
TextBackGroundShade | ||
TextLineColor | ||
TextLineShade | ||
TextPenShade | ||
TextStrokeShade | ||
TITLE | Title of the Doc | |
UNITS | (optional) Measurement unit for the Doc 0 = Points 1 = Millimeters 2 = Inches 3 = Picas | |
VHOCH | Percentage for Superscript | |
VHOCHSC | Percentage for scaling of the Glyphs in Superscript | |
VKAPIT | Percentage for scaling of the Glyphs in Small Caps | |
VTIEF | Percentage for Subscript | |
VTIEFSC | Percentage for scaling of the Glyphs in Subscript | |
UnderlinePos | ||
UnderlineWidth | ||
WIDTH | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . CheckProfile | one or more of these | |
Name | Name of the profile | |
ignoreErrors | Whether to ignore errors | |
ignoreOffErrors | ||
autoCheck | Whether automatically check as you go, not just at specific times | |
checkTransparency | Whether to check for use of transparency | |
checkResolution | Whether to check for resolution | |
minResolution | Minimum resolution | |
maxResolution | Maximum resolution | |
checkOverflow | whether to check for text overflowing its frames | |
checkRasterPDF | ||
checkForGIF | Check for any GIF images | |
checkGlyphs | ||
checkAnnotations | ||
checkPictures | ||
checkOrphans | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . COLOR | none or more of these | |
NAME | Name of the Colour | |
CMYK | Value as hexadecimal String, such as "#22bb77ee" | |
RGB | Value as hexadecimal String, such as "#11aa55" | |
Register | ||
Spot | O or 1 : if 1 the color is considered as spot | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . Gradient | A gradient | |
name | Name of the gradient | |
NAME | Name of the stop colour | |
RAMP | Position of the colour stop, range from 0.0 till 1.0 | |
SHADE | Shading of the stop colour in Percent | |
TRANS | Transparency of the colour stop, range from 0.0 till 1.0 | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . ParagraphStyle | A paragraph style | |
Name | Name of the style | |
Parent | Parent style name | |
DefaultStyle | Whether this is the default style | |
ALIGN | ||
LINESPMode | ||
INDENT | Left indent | |
RMARGIN | Right margin | |
FIRST | First indent | |
VOR | Gap before | |
NACH | Gap after | |
DROP | Has drop cap | |
DROPLIN | Number of lines for a drop cap | |
DROPDIST | Drop cap offset | |
OpticalMargins | Whether to use optical margins | |
OpticalMarginSetId | Reference ID of the optical margin rule set. | |
KeepWithNext | O or 1 : Keep the current paragraph in same frame or col as the following | |
MinWordTrack | ||
MinGlyphShrink | ||
MaxGlyphExtend | ||
PSHORTCUT | Key shortcut for this style | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . ParagraphStyle . Tab | ||
Fill | ||
Pos | ||
Type | 0 = Left 1 = Right | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . CharacterStyle | A character style | |
Name | Name of the style | |
Parent | Parent style name | |
Font | Font name | |
FontSize | Font size | |
FontFeatures | OpenFont font features | |
FontColor | Fill color | |
FillShade | Fill shade | |
StrokeColor | Stroke color | |
StrokeShade | Stroke shade | |
TextShadowXOffset | Text shadow offset horizontally | |
TextShadowYOffset | Text shadow offset vertically | |
TextOutlineWidth | Outline width | |
TextUnderlineOffset | Underline offset | |
TextUnderlineWidth | Underline width | |
TextStrikeThroughOffset | Strikethrough offset | |
TextStrikeThroughWidth | Strikethrough width | |
ScaleHorizontal | Scaling horizontally | |
ScaleVertical | Scaling vertically | |
BaselineOffset | Offset from baseline | |
Kerning | Kerning | |
wordTrack | ||
Shortcut | Shortcut for this style | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . Hyphenator | Hyphenator lists | |
Exception | Special words | |
Word | ||
Hyphenated | ||
Ignore | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . Java | Javascripts | |
Name | Name of a script | |
Script | ||
Number | Number of the layer | |
Name | Name of the layer | |
IsEditable | Whether the layer is editable | |
IsPrintable | Flag for printing 0 = Layer is not printed 1 = Layer is printed | |
IsSelectable | Flag for selectability 0 = Layer is not selectable 1 = Layer is selectable | |
Level | Level of the Layer 0 = Background | |
IsViewable | Flag for visibility 0 = Layer is not visible 1 = Layer is visible | |
FlowControl | ||
Transparency | ||
BlendMode | ||
OutlineMode | ||
LayerColor | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . OpticalMarginSets . Set | ||
Id | ID of the set | |
Name | Display name of the set | |
Type | Type of the set, like "custom" or "preset" | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . OpticalMarginSets . Set . Rules . Rule | ||
Left | Offset on left side of the paragraph. Value based on Unit. | |
Right | Offset on right side of the paragraph. Value based on Unit. | |
Unit | Unit of the left and right values. | |
Characters | List of unicode characters in this rule. Format: "U+0022,U+...". | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . Printer | Printer options | |
firstUse | ||
toFile | Print to file | |
useAltPrintCommand | ||
outputSeparations | ||
useSpotColors | Whether to use spot colors | |
useColor | ||
mirrorH | Mirror printing horizontally | |
mirrorV | Mirror printing vertically | |
useICC | Use ICC color profiles | |
doGCR | Whether to have grey component replacement | |
doClip | ||
setDevParam | ||
useDocBleeds | Use document bleeds | |
cropMarks | ||
bleedMarks | ||
registrationMarks | ||
colorMarks | ||
includePDFMarks | ||
PSLevel | The postscrip level | |
PDLanguage | Which printer description language | |
markOffset | ||
BleedTop | ||
BleedBottom | ||
BleedLeft | ||
BleedRight | ||
printer | ||
filename | ||
separationName | ||
printerCommand | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . Printer . Separation | ||
Name | Name of the separation | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . PDF | pdf export settings | |
Clip | ||
displayBookmarks | ||
displayFullscreen | ||
displayLayers | ||
displayThumbs | ||
doMultiFile | ||
Articles | Flag, set to 1 when use PDF-Articles is checked in the PDF-Options Dialog | |
BBottom | (optional) Bottom Distance for the Bleed Box | |
Binding | Binding for the PDF-Document 0 = Left Binding 1 = Right Binding | |
BLeft | (optional) Left Distance for the Bleed Box | |
Bookmarks | Flag, set to 1 when include Bookmarks is checked in the PDF-Options Dialog | |
BRight | (optional) Right Distance for the Bleed Box | |
BTop | (optional) Top Distance for the Bleed Box | |
CMethod | (optional) Compression Method for Pictures 0 = Automatic, Scribus tries to use the best Method | |
Compress | Flag, set to 1 when use Compress Text is checked in the PDF-Options Dialog | |
Encrypt | (optional) Flag, set to 1 when use Encryption is checked in the PDF-Options Dialog | |
fitWindow | ||
Grayscale | ||
hideMenuBar | ||
hideToolBar | ||
ImageP | ||
ImagePr | ||
InfoString | ||
Intent | ||
Intent2 | ||
PassOwner | (optional) Owner Password for encrypted PDF's | |
PassUser | (optional) User Password for encrypted PDF's | |
Permissions | (optional) Value used for Encryption Settings | |
PicRes | Resolution for downsampling Images | |
PresentMode | Flag, set to 1 when Presentation effects should be used | |
PrintP | (optional) ICC-Profile for the Printer, only used for PDF-X/3 output | |
Quality | (optional) Quality setting for Image Compression 0 = Maximum (95%) | |
RecalcPic | Flag, set to 1 when Downsample Images is checked in the PDF-Options Dialog | |
Resolution | Resolution for embedded EPS-Pictures or PDF's | |
RGBMode | (optional) Flag, set to 1 when Output should be in RGB | |
SolidP | (optional) ICC-Profile for solid colours | |
Thumbnails | Flag, set to 1 when Generate Thumbnails is checked in the PDF-Options Dialog | |
UseLpi | (optional) Flag, set to 1 when the informations in the LPI tags should be used for Linescreening | |
UseProfiles | (optional) Flag, set to 1 when ICC-Profiles should be used for solid colours | |
UseProfiles2 | (optional) Flag, set to 1 when ICC-Profiles should be used for images | |
Version | PDF-Version which should be generated 12 = PDF-X/3 13 = PDF-1.3 14 = PDF-1.4 | |
MirrorH | ||
MirrorV | ||
openAction | ||
PageLayout | ||
RotateDeg | ||
UseLayers | ||
UseSpotColors | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . PDF . LPI | (optional) | |
Angle | Linescreening angle | |
Color | Name of the Colour for which these settings are ment | |
Frequency | How many lines per Inch are used | |
SpotFunction | Code for the used Spotfunction: 0 = Simple Dot 1 = Line 2 = Round 3 = Ellipse | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . PDF . Effekte | PDF display effects | |
pageEffectDuration | ||
pageViewDuration | ||
effectType | ||
Dm | ||
M | ||
Di | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . DocItemAttributes | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . DocItemAttributes . ItemAttribute | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . TablesOfContents | ||
Name | Name of the contents | |
ItemAttributeName | ||
FrameName | ||
ListNonPrinting | ||
Style | Text style to use | |
NumberPlacement | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . Sections | description of how to number groups of pages | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . Sections . Section | ||
Name | Any string will do | |
Active | 1 for show, 0 for not show | |
Number | Seems to be a generic index number, redundant? | |
Type | can be: Type_A_B_C, Type_a_b_c, Type_1_2_3, Type_I_II_III, Type_i_ii_iii, Type_None (same as Active==0) | |
From | Starting page index | |
To | Ending page index | |
Start | 1st page number for range | |
Reversed | If the number range should count in opposite direction | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . PageSets | (none or more of these) | |
Columns | ||
GapBelow | ||
Rows | ||
FirstPage | ||
GapHorizontal | ||
Name | ||
GapVertical | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . PageSets . Set . PageNames | there are Rows*Columns of these | |
Name | Name of this page type, eg "Left Page" or "Right Page" | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . Pattern | a pattern definition | |
Name | Name of the pattern | |
width | Width | |
height | Height | |
scaleX | additional scaling horizontally | |
scaleY | additional scaling vertically | |
xoffset | Offset horizontally | |
yoffset | Offset vertically | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . MASTERPAGE | Has the same options as PAGE tags (?) | |
Size | Name of paper size | |
NUM | Page number, 0 is the first page | |
BORDERTOP | Top margin | |
BORDERBOTTOM | Bottom margin | |
BORDERLEFT | Left margin | |
BORDERRIGHT | Right margin | |
NAM | Page name, if not a master page | |
MNAM | Name of attached master page | |
LEFT | For multipage spreads, which page in the spread is the left most | |
Orientation | 1 for landscape, 0 for portrait | |
PAGEHEIGHT | Height in postscript points (72==1 inch) | |
PAGEWIDTH | Width in postscript points (72==1 inch) | |
PAGEXPOS | X coordinate of upper right corner of page in scratch space | |
PAGEYPOS | Y coordinate of upper right corner of page in scratch space | |
NumHGuides | Number of horizontal guides listed in HorizontalGuides | |
HorizontalGuides | List of positions of horizontal guides, relative to page origin | |
NumVGuides | Number of vertical guides listed in VerticalGuides | |
VerticalGuides | List of positions of vertical guides, relative to page origin | |
AGHorizontalAutoGap | ||
AGVerticalAutoGap | ||
AGHorizontalAutoCount | ||
AGVerticalAutoCount | ||
AGHorizontalAutoRefer | ||
AGVerticalAutoRefer | ||
AGSelection | ||
ALIGN | (optional) Alignment for text when no paragraph style is set 0 = No Style, left aligned | |
ANNAME | (optional) Field name of the Annotation, also used for the object name | |
ANNOTATION | (optional) Set to 1 if the object is a Annotation or a PDF-Field | |
ANAA | (optional) Set to 1 if Annotations Action is a JavaScript Action | |
ANACTION | (optional) Action for the PDF-Field, contains either a URL or a JavaScript | |
ANACTYP | (optional) Type of the Action for a PDF-Field 0 = None | |
ANBCOL | (optional) Name of the border colour of the PDF-Button | |
ANBLACT | (optional) JavaScript executed when the PDF-Field looses focus | |
ANBSTY | (optional) Borderstyle for a PDF-Button 0 = Solid | |
ANBWID | (optional) Borderwidth of a PDF-Button 0 = None | |
ANCACT | (optional) JavaScript executed when the PDF-Page is changed | |
ANCHK | (optional) Set to 1 if the PDF-Checkbox is checked by default | |
ANCHKS | (optional) Style of the checkmark in a PDF-Checkbox 0 = Check | |
ANDACT | (optional) JavaScript executed when the mouse button is pressed | |
ANDOWN | (optional) Text for Button Down of a PDF-Button | |
ANEACT | (optional) JavaScript executed when the cursor enters the PDF-Field | |
ANEXTERN | (optional) Path or URL for an external PDF-Link | |
ANFACT | (optional) JavaScript executed before formatting the PFD-Field | |
ANFEED | (optional) Feedback for PDF-Button press 0 = None 1 = Invert 2 = Outlined 3 = Push animation | |
ANFLAG | (optional) Flags for Annotations, value is the bitwise or of the following constants 1 = Field is read-only | |
ANFOACT | (optional) JavaScript executed when the field receives focus | |
ANFONT | (optional) Font for the PDF-Button or Annotation 0 = Courier | |
ANFORMAT | (optional) Format of the Value in a PDF-Field 0 = Plain text | |
ANHTML | (optional) Set to 1 if the PDF-Submit Action should send HTML instead of FDF | |
ANICON | (optional) Set to 1 if the PDF-Button uses icons | |
ANKACT | (optional) JavaScript for keypresses | |
ANMC | (optional) Maximum number of characters in a PDF-Textfield | |
ANPLACE | (optional) How to display the Icon of a PDF-Button 0 = Caption only | |
ANROLL | (optional) Text for roll over of PDF-Buttons | |
ANSCALE | (optional) Scaling of Icons on PDF-Buttons 0 = Always | |
ANTOOLTIP | (optional) Tooltip for the PDF-Field | |
ANTYPE | (optional) Type of the Annotation or PDF-Field 0 = Text annotation | |
ANVACT | (optional) JavaScript to be performed when the fields value has changed | |
ANVIS | (optional) The visiblity of the PDF-Field 0 = visible | |
ANXACT | (optional) JavaScript when the mouse pointer leaves the field | |
ANZIEL | (optional) Page number of a PDF-Link | |
AUTOTEXT | Set to 1 if object is an automatic textframe | |
BASEOF | (optional) Offset for the text from its path for text on a path | |
BEXTRA | (optional) Distance of text from the bottom edge of the frame | |
BOOKMARK | Set to 1 if object is a PDF-Bookmark | |
BookNr | (optional) Number of the Bookmark | |
BottomLine | Set to 1 if the table item has a bottom line | |
BottomLINK | Number of the object that is below of this object in tables | |
CLIPEDIT | (optional) Set to 1 if the shape was edited | |
COLGAP | Gap between text columns | |
COLUMNS | Number of columns in text | |
COCOOR | (optional) Coordinates of the objects contour line | |
DashOffset | (optional) Offset for the first dash | |
Dashes | List of dash values, see the PostScript manual for details | |
DashValues | Number of entries in DASH | |
endArrowIndex | ||
fillRule | ||
EMBEDDED | (optional) Set to 1 if embedded ICC-Profiles should be used | |
EPROF | (optional) Embedded ICC-Profile for images | |
EXTRA | Distance of text from the left edge of the frame | |
EXTRAV | (optional) Kerning value | |
FLIPPEDH | Set to an uneven number if object is flipped horizontal | |
FLIPPEDV | Set to an uneven number if object is flipped vertical | |
FRTYPE | (optional) Type of the shape of an object 0 = Rectangle | |
GROUPS | List of group identifiers | |
gHeight | ||
gWidth | ||
gXpos | ||
gYpos | ||
GRTYP | (optional) Type of the gradient fill 0 = No gradient fill | |
ImageClip | ||
ImageRes | ||
isInline | ||
HEIGHT | Height of the object | |
IFONT | Name of the font for text | |
INVERS | (optional) Image is inversed | |
IRENDER | (optional) Rendering Intent for Images 0 = Perceptual | |
ISIZE | (optional) Fontsize for text | |
isTableItem | (optional) Set to 1 if the object belongs to a table | |
LINESPMode | ||
LANGUAGE | (optional) Language of the object | |
LAYER | (optional) Layer number the object belongs to | |
LeftLine | (optional) Set to 1 if the table item has a left line | |
LeftLINK | (optional) Number of the object that is left to this object in tables | |
LINESP | Linespacing for text | |
LOCALSCX | Scaling of the image in the X-Direction | |
LOCALSCY | Scaling of the image in the Y-Direction | |
LOCALX | X-Position of the image in the image frame | |
LOCALY | Y-Position of the image in the image frame | |
LOCK | (optional) Set ot 1 if the object is locked | |
LOCKR | (optional) Set to 1 if the object is protected against resizing | |
NAMEDLST | (optional) Name of the custom line style | |
BACKITEM | Index number of the previous PAGEOBJECT of linked textframe | |
BACKPAGE | Number of the page of the previous frame in linked textframes | |
NEXTITEM | Index number of the next PAGEOBJECT for linked textframes | |
NEXTPAGE | Number of the page of the next frame in linked textframes | |
NUMCO | (optional) Number of coordinates in COCOOR | |
NUMGROUP | Number of grops in GROUPS | |
NUMPO | Number of coordinates in POCOOR | |
OwnLINK | (optional) Number of this object in tables | |
OnMasterPage | ||
OwnPage | Owner page, referenced as page number | |
PCOLOR | Name of the colour for fll | |
PCOLOR2 | Name of the colour for stroke | |
PFILE | Filename of the image, saved as relative file | |
PFILE2 | (optional) Filename of the pressed icon image for PDF-Buttons | |
PFILE3 | (optional) Filename of the rollover icon image for PDF-Buttons | |
PICART | Set to 1 if image should be shown | |
PLINEART | How the line is dashed 1 = Solid Line | |
PLINEEND | (optional) Code for the line end rendering 0 = FlatCap | |
PLINEJOIN | (optional) Code for the line join rendering 0 = MiterJoin 64 = BevelJoin 128 = RoundJoin | |
pattern | which pattern to use | |
PLTSHOW | (optional) Set to 1 if the path of a Text on a path should be shown | |
POCOOR | Coordinates of the object shape | |
PRFILE | (optional) ICC-Profile for the image | |
PRINTABLE | Set to 1 if the object should be printed, 0 otherwise | |
PTYPE | Type of object 2 = Image | |
PWIDTH | Line width of the object | |
RADRECT | (optional) Corner radius for rounded Rectangles | |
RATIO | (optional) Set to 1 if the image scaling should respect the aspect ratio | |
REVERS | (optional) Text is rendered reverse, eg Arabic | |
REXTRA | (optional) Distance of text from the right edge of the frame | |
RightLine | (optional) Set to 1 if the table item has a right line | |
RightLINK | (optional) Number of the object that is to the right of this object in tables | |
ROT | Rotation of the object in degrees | |
SCALETYPE | (optional) How the image can be scaled 0 = Free scaling 1 = Scaling bound to image frame dimensions | |
SHADE | Shading for fill | |
SHADE2 | Shading for stroke | |
TEXTFLOW | Set to 1 if text flows around this object | |
TEXTFLOW2 | Set to 1 if text flows around the bounding box of this object | |
TEXTFLOW3 | Set to 1 if text flows around the contour line of this object | |
TEXTRA | (optional) Distance of text from the top edge of the frame | |
TopLine | (optional) Set to 1 if the table item has a top line | |
TopLINK | (optional) Number of the object that is above this object in tables | |
TransValue | (optional) Transparency value for fill | |
TransValueS | (optional) Transparency value for stroke | |
TXTFILL | (optional) Name of the default text fill colour | |
TXTFILLSH | (optional) Default shading for the text fill colour | |
TXTSCALE | (optional) Default text scaling | |
TXTSTROKE | (optional) Name of the default colour for stroking text | |
TXTSTRSH | (optional) Default shading for stroking text | |
TXTSTYLE | (optional) Default character style, value is the bitwise or of these constants: 1 = Superscript | |
WIDTH | Width of the Object | |
XPOS | X-Positon of the Object | |
YPOS | Y-Position of the Object | |
startArrowIndex | ||
wordTrack | ||
MinWordTrack | ||
MinGlyphShrink | ||
MaxGlyphExtend | ||
OpticalMargins | ||
HyphenationMode | ||
AutoAddTo |
| |
Name |
| |
Parameter |
| |
Relationship |
| |
RelationshipTo |
| |
Type |
| |
Value | ||
Fill | ||
Pos | ||
Type | 0 = Left 1 = Right | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . PAGEOBJECT . CSTOP | (optional) A color stop of a gradient | |
NAME | Name of the stop colour | |
RAMP | Position of the colour stop, range from 0.0 till 1.0 | |
SHADE | Shading of the stop colour in Percent | |
TRANS | Transparency of the colour stop, range from 0.0 till 1.0 | |
CAB | Paragraph style for the character 0 = No Style, left aligned | |
CCOLOR | Name of the fill colour | |
CEXTRA | Value for Kerning | |
CFONT | Name of the Font | |
CH | The character(s) itself | |
CSCALE | (optional) Scaling in percent | |
CSHADE | Shading of the fill colour | |
CSHADE2 | (optional) Shading of the stroke colour | |
FONTSIZE | Fontsize in points | |
CSTROKE | (optional) Name of the stroke colour | |
CSTYLE | The style of the character, value is the bitwise or of these constants: 1 = Superscript | |
CBASE | ||
CSTW | ||
CULP | ||
CKERN | ||
COUT | ||
CSTP | ||
CULW | ||
CSHX | ||
CSHY | ||
Unicode | ||
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . PAGEOBJECT . var | Variable text chunk | |
name | can be "pgno" for page number, or "pgco" for total page count | |
SCRIBUSUTF8NEW . DOCUMENT . PAGEOBJECT . para | End of paragraph | |
PARENT | (optional) Name of paragraph style (see DOCUMENT.STYLE.NAME) | |